Santa Paula- In a town recently beset with suspected gang violence, the Santa Paula Police Department seeks public help and information regarding the whereabouts of Santa Paula native Jesse Moten, 19. Moten is the principal suspect in the June 28th shooting of Joseph Arellano, 24, which took place in broad daylight in the front yard of Arellano’s home.
Witnesses reported that a vehicle approached Arellano’s house, parked across the street, and the shooter alighted from the vehicle and waited nearby. When Arellano exited the residence in the company of a female reported to be his girlfriend, the shooter “came out from a concealed position” and fired multiple times, according to SPPD spokesman Lt. Ishmael Cordero.
Cordero further reported to the media that Moten stands 5’8” tall, weighs 150 lbs., and bears a small tattoo at the corner of his right eye. While witnesses described him as having a shaved head, “we imagine he might be growing his hair out now” Cordero indicated.
In describing the suspect to the media, Cordero made a point of the fact that Moten, as well as several of his own family members, are known to authorities as being active gang members. The focus upon Moten as the perpetrator of this current homicide comes from gang activity pursuant to the May 27th murder of Ulises Virto, 21, and “came together very quickly because we had people come forth who gave us enough information that we were able to put two and two together and more witnesses came forward and corroborated that this is one of our suspects and boom!”
That said, however, apprehension of Moten—a parolee from the California Youth Authority–is proving to be a challenge. Anyone with information about Moten’s whereabouts or with information related to either the Arellano or Virto homicides is urged to contact the Santa Paula Police Department at (805) 525-4474.
Photo: Ventura County Jail Booking
Read More:
Santa Paula Times- Moten: One Suspect Sought in Arellano Homicide, SPPD Asks for Help
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