Ventura County - Every now and then, law enforcement comes across someone who simply watches too many “Fast and Furious” re-runs and apparently believes that it’s actually a good idea to put pedal to metal when they see those flashing gumballs in the rearview mirror of the “ride” they’ve stolen.
All indications are that Michael Borjas, 21, a Ventura resident, is one of those guys who thinks he can outrun the cops just like they do in the movies…but on the morning of August 17th, he should have taken the time to have another thought. It was just after 8:00 in downtown Ventura when Ventura Police Patrol Officers observed a vehicle that had been reported as stolen cruising down the street. According to the VPD report to the media, “officers confirmed that the vehicle was in fact stolen,” whereupon they made an attempt to conduct a traffic stop of the car.
Borjas, the driver of the hot car, immediately made attempts to evade any contact with the officers and gunned it down a series of residential streets and through commercial districts within the City of Ventura “at dangerous speeds, running red lights and stop signs,” ultimately exceeding 100 mph and making his way into the City of Oxnard.
Because of the extremely dangerous speeds, the VPD officers pulled back from their pursuit, allowing Borjas to flee into Oxnard where…there are always more cops waiting. Not long afterward, Oxnard Police Department patrol officers discovered the vehicle abandoned as a citizen contacted Oxnard PD to report that three suspects had fled from the vehicle.
Immediate investigation and a search of the area ensued, delivering three suspects and Borjas into police custody. He was then transported to Ventura County Jail where he was booked on charges of car theft, and “driving with wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property while fleeing from pursuing officers.”
Read More:
KCLU: Man arrested after 100 miles an hour chase