Santa Barbara County - Stabbings among rival gang-bangers are fairly common. Stabbings involving young men caught up in street fights are also common. Stabbings during assaults and robberies can be fairly common too. But the truly homogenizing element in most stabbings is that they occur between two or more males of the species.
Rare indeed is the stabbing assault where the victim is female. Even more unusual is a stabbing that involves both a female victim and a female perpetrator, such as the one that allegedly occurred in Santa Maria in the early evening of June 30th.
According to Santa Maria Police Department spokesman Sgt. Rob Morris, a 911 Emergency call reporting brought patrol units to a residence on Santa Maria’s North East Street just before 7:00 p.m. Officers quickly responded to the scene to discover Felicia Ann Donaldson, 29, “standing in the front yard of the residence.” At that time, she was detained based upon the description that had been given to the 911 Emergency dispatch operator.
Also located at the residence was Christina Sendejas, also 29 years of age. What set Sendejas quite apart from Donaldson, however, were the bloody wounds on the back of her neck and head which were immediately the subject of concern to the officers to the extent that emergency medical response teams were alerted. Apparently Sendejas was in no conditon for a long ride in an ambulance, as she was ultimately flown to Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital by helicopter “because of the nature of her injuries,” Morris indicated.
Sendejas could not explain the rationale for her being attacked by Donaldson, telling officers at the scene that “she had been stabbed by the suspect for no known reason.”
Whatever her reason for the attack may have been, Donaldson was arrested at the scene and transported to Santa Barbara County Jail where she was booked on a charge of attempted murder.
Photo: Courtesy Santa Barbara County Jail Booking
Read more:
Santa Maria Times: SM woman arrested on attempted murder
Noozhawk: Woman faces attempted murder charge