A probation search conducted by Novato police officers on Wednesday morning led to the successful arrest of a suspect who allegedly stole a vehicle from an area resident on Sunday, June 1. Sergeant Jay Demski of the Novato Police Department issued a press release explaining the circumstances that led to the arrest of 22-year-old Raul Sanchez.
The vehicle in question was last seen at 1725 Marion Avenue in Novato. Police recovered the car the following day, June 2. It was parked and unattended near the intersection of Denlyn Street and Eldridge Avenue — roughly 2.5 miles to the south of its original location.
Two days later, NPD officers arrived at the home of Raul Sanchez at 8:08 a.m. for an initially unrelated probation search. While searching the residence, located at 1300 Cambridge Street, officers found property that tied Sanchez to the stolen vehicle. Sanchez’s home sits two-tenths of a mile from the intersection where police found the stolen vehicle. The officers located unspecified evidence that gave them probable cause to arrest Sanchez for the vehicle theft. They also found paraphernalia that officers judged to be a methamphetamine pipe.
Officers arrested Sanchez on suspicion of vehicle theft, possession of stolen property, and possession of narcotics paraphernalia, and booked him into Marin County Jail.