SANTA ANA – Early Thursday morning (2:00 AM) three Asian males in a black truck robbed a man of his money near Hazard Avenue and Harbor Boulevard. Fresh from an ATM withdrawal, the victim was coerced to drive his vehicle and follow the black truck to the 3500 block of Boyer Avenue, a dead end street, where the thieves took his money and car keys.
As police officers responded they spotted a vehicle matching the description and tried to get its driver to stop. Instead, the suspects fled.
The truck and its occupants continued for 30 minutes through five cities, finally ending at Lampson Avenue and West Street in Garden Grove. The end of this escapade also included an officer-involved shooting that did not result in any injuries, as no suspects or officers were shot.
Justin Quinnaphonh Phabmixay, 21 and on parole, and Michael Tran Nguyen, 29 and on probation, were arrested and taken to the Santa Ana PD jail. Their charges include suspicion of robbery, kidnapping and evading.
A third suspect jumped from the truck during the pursuit and has yet to be identified or captured. Police encourage anyone with information as to the third suspect’s identity to call Orange County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-OCCS.
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